We are putting our clients & followers up to a Disney Character Drawing Challenge!
Recently, we discovered Disney Parks YouTube Channel. On it is many instructional videos on how to draw our favorite Disney characters.
Of course, We HAD to attempt drawing Mickey Mouse! Duh!
Who doesn’t love Mickey Mouse anyhow?!
Definitely not us! We LOVE Mickey!
(Oh Tootles!… FYI.. that is NOT where our name derived from. Promise! We’ll fill you in our how we came up with our name another time. Back to the challenge….)
So, here’s what we want you to do for the DISNEY CHARACTER DRAWING CHALLENGE:
- Go to the Disney Parks YouTube Channel
- Choose your favorite character
- Watch the YouTube Video & draw it
- Send us a photo of your finished drawing by Sunday, April 19th to: [email protected] – Subject “Drawing Challenge”
Here’s where it gets fun….
On Monday, April 20th, we want you to find your photo in our Facebook – “Disney Character Drawing Challenge” Photo Album and SHARE SHARE SHARE!
Request that all of your family, friends, teachers, neighbors (or, maybe even that one kid you met while hanging out at a Tootles Event Sitters gig)… to vote for your photo!
But wait! Don’t run off so quickly!
We haven’t even told you what you’ll win yet!!
- Voting will cease at MIDNIGHT on Friday, April 24th.
- A winner will be announced via FACEBOOK LIVE on Saturday, April 25th.

Here’s where we tell you the best part of the DISNEY CHARACTER DRAWING CHALLENGE….
(we put that in caps so you won’t miss it! 🙂 )
The chosen winner (by your peers & everyone else’s) will receive a $25 Disney.com Gift Card from Tootles Event Sitters to purchase some of your favorite Disney things.
And, now… GO! Get drawing! What are you waiting for?! 😉
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at 407.349.7749 or [email protected].